Who is like You, O Lord?


God will make a way where there seems to be no way.

The children of Israel saw a big problem: They  were “between the devil and the deep blue sea,” in this case, the Red Sea. Before them was a huge expanse of water, and they had no ships (no Noah’s ark here). Behind them were Pharaoh’s chariots in fast pursuit. For some, it was time to cry; for others, a time to complain; for still others, a time to call on the only true God. Moses trusted Yahweh, but let’s face it, if God did not act swiftly, he would be stoned, and Israel  would be lost. Uh, no pressure…

But God came through in a big way, as He always does, reminding us that there is no one like our God. There is only one true God, and we can trust Him. There is none higher than our Sovereign Lord, and He towers over all. He is awesome, holy, and majestic, a miracle-working God.  All other “gods,” like those funky Egyptian gods, are impotent, inferior, and unimpressive. On the other side of redemption, Moses sings: “Who is like The among the gods, O Lord?  Who is like Thee, majestic in holiness, awesome in praises, working wonders?”  Exodus 15:11.


Delivered from the most powerful army in the known world, without weapons.

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