Our God is a Consuming Fire


Put the fear of God into them.

“And to the eyes of the sons of Israel the appearance of the glory of the Lord was like a consuming fire on the mountain top.”  Exodus 24:17.

There really is no way to describe what they were seeing. They saw the glory of the Lord covering the mountain top, which was ablaze with beautiful, fiery light.  God is powerfully dynamic, not  static and boring. He is indescribably glorious, “brighter than the sun in all its glory.” This is a part of knowing the God we worship, here giving us a glimpse of just one aspect of His appearance.

His fire will be our light in heaven and will consume us (but not destroy us) in joy and glory forever. We should therefore be zealous, on fire for God, not cold or lukewarm but hot. As we learn to reverence and respect Him, we remember the  glory and power of His presence, that His fire may either create or destroy.  We do not forget the consuming fire of the judgment seat of Christ where our works will be tested.  Some will be refined as gold and silver.  Others will disintegrate like wood, stubble, and hay (I Corinthians 3:12-14). “For our God is a consuming fire.” Hebrews 12:29


Maybe something closer to this?

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