God the Rock, God the Eagle


The house built on the Rock survived the storm.

“The Rock! His work is perfect. For all His ways are just…. He has made you and established you…. He is like an eagle that stirs up His nest, that  hovers over its young.  Deut 32: 4,11.

Moses is using two images to describe God.  First, the Rock. The surface of our planet is covered by water and rocks (or geological strata) with varying degrees of hardness. We cannot stand on water (unless we’re Jesus or Peter). Sand is constantly shifting and unstable, and mud is the same. Both are perilous foundations in a flood. God the Rock is our firmest foundation against life’s storms. He undergirds us and gives us stability, even when everything else is being swept away.

Second, the hovering eagle, an image that conveys power, protection, and majesty. Eagles do not fear a storm. Eagles do not fear a serpent. They soar over all. That’s how God is. He guards us in the shelter of His wings, unless He decides its time for us to fly and “soar on wings like eagles.” Then, He stirs up the nest. Sometimes things may look chaotic, unsafe, turbulent, but sometimes it’s God pushing us out of the nest, out of our comfort zone.

I don’t know. I like the nest. But then, I also like to fly.

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OK, eaglets, it’s time to leave your comfort zone and fly!

2 thoughts on “God the Rock, God the Eagle

  1. I really like the image you use. May I use it as a logo for our children’s church club banner? We are called the Bethlehem French Soaring Eaglets Adventurer Club, a children’s ministry geared to represent Christ-like character and operates a little bit similar to a girl’s scout. I am the director for our church and we are all over the world (Seventh-day Adventists). If the answer is no, I will understand. Thanks and please reply.

    • The image is not mine. I got it off the web. As far as I know it is not copyrighted. I understand such usage is okay for blogs or other ventures that are non-profit. Sounds like yours is.


      Mike Thomas

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