How to Get a God Glimpse


Has a distorted view of himself and of God. Just struggling to be cool. Completely clueless about any plan God may have for his life.

Use these verses as a basis for a personal prayer:

“We ask God to give you a complete understanding of what He wants to do in your lives and make you wise with spiritual wisdom. Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and you will continually do good, kind things for others. All the while, you will learn to know God better and better.”Colossians 1:9-10 (NLT)

At 17, I had no understanding of what God might want to do in my life. I hated myself and naturally believed that God hated me. No faith, no revelation, no God glimpses.

Now, decades later, I have walked with God for 37 years. I have a far greater concept of what the Lord wants to do in my life. Seeing such evidences of His grace, I am overwhelmed by His goodness. To know Him, is to love Him.


Has experienced God and knows more about God’s plan for his life. Knows God is good.




King Tut still looks pretty good, at least on the outside of the sarcophagus. On the inside? Not so good.

Entropy, a natural law, order turns into disorder, everything breaks down, dies, decays, no exceptions. It’s the great paradox, the wonder and complexity of a creation that is mysteriously disassembled; the miracle of life turns to death. The universe is running down. Every living thing will die and decay. The Egyptians embalmed corpses better than anyone, but they only slowed an inevitable process. Against our will, we are part of the death cycle, and we haven’t yet figured out a way to break it. That would mean finding a way to renew our molecular structure for…well…forever.

Hell is a powerless place of eternal decay, where the soul and eventually the body are in perpetual breakdown, disease, with no hope of renewal. Dante’s warning on the Gates of Hell: “Abandon all hope, all ye who enter herein.” Without divine regeneration, says C. I. Scofield (Sofield Reference Bible, p. 1117), we are “impotent to enter the kingdom.” Where might we get such power that allows us to live forever? Within ourselves? From technology? From modern medicine?


Jose Casado del Alisal, Spain, 1855, “The Resurrection of Lazarus.”

God is the “Living One” (Gen. 16:3), the “author of life” (Acts 3:14),  the “giver of life” (Psalm 36:9), and grants access to the “Tree of Life” (Rev. 2:7). Jesus entered into the cycle of death and beat it. He came back from the dead with the “power of an indestructible life” (Hebrews 7:16) with the authority to grant eternal life to all who trust in Him.

God Glimpse: Meditate on the great “I am,” the self-sufficient, self-existent, uncreated One, the Giver of the eternal power of Life.

His Infinite Worth Counterbalances All Debt


Hope Diamond: Could pay off a lot of debts…

How much are you worth? How much are you in debt? The world defines us by these two concepts, our “worth” and the extent of our “debt.” A fine house and cars, a title, a big salary, etc., mean that you are worth a lot. But in our society, if you don’t have such things, you aren’t worth much. As for debt, most people are deep in it. If I owned the Hope Diamond (and sold it), I could pay off my house and car. You see? The worth of that diamond more than compensates for my debt.

When I was a kid in church, we prayed “Forgive us our debts.” How many sins were listed in the account book of my life?  Like the servant in Jesus’s parable, at least 10,000 talents, maybe like 10 million dollars (Matt. 18:24). I could never pay it, so something of extraordinary worth had to be proferred. Something that could counterbalance the scales of justice that were weighing heavily against me. But when I accepted Jesus and His payment, His priceless blood, that paid off my sin-debt and gave me infinite, eternal Grace to spend.

God Glimpse: I was worthless but the Worthy One gave me worth. I was in debtor’s prison, but priceless Jesus became worthless to the world so the world and I could be saved AND have worth AND be (debt) free AND inherit the unsearchable, eternal riches of Christ! (Ephesians 3:8).


Justice is fair. “An eye for an eye.” The punishment fits the crime. Thank God for amazing Grace.