Despised and Rejected, a Man of Sorrows


The sting of rejection

Isaiah 53.

His glory and beauty are indescribable, yet in His incarnation He chose no beauty or majesty to attract us to Him. He was the King, but incognito.  There was no visible reason for anyone to want to follow Him. He was the Anointed One, and many were drawn to His Spirit.

In Heaven, He had been worshiped and adored, but on earth, most despised and rejected Him. The Author of joy became a Man of sorrows, intimately acquainted with human suffering. This was because He had come to take up our sicknesses and carry our sorrows.

But we didn’t know any of this. We hid our face from Him. We despised Him. We didn’t think much of Him. In fact, we assumed that God was punishing Him for His own sins, but He was beaten and nailed to the cross for our sins.

He was beaten so badly that many were appalled at Him. His appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any man and His form marred beyond human likeness. The torment of His punishment brought us peace. Through the undeserved wounds He received, we receive undeserved healing. His blood will sprinkle many nations.

We were like sheep, wandering off in any direction that pleased us. The Lord laid our punishment on Him. He was tortured, yet He did not defend Himself. He had unlimited power to defend Himself, yet He did not use it. He did not open His mouth.  He was lead off like a lamb to the slaughter, willing to pay the price for our salvation.

A glimpse of the heart of God.