Mud + the breath of God =


Not intelligently designed? Don’t make me LOL!

“Male and Female created He them.” Genesis 5:2

Man and woman were the crown and rulers of God’s creation.  Since no one knows exactly what God looks like, we do not really know what His human creations looked like. To be sure, they were glorious and powerful creatures, created in His image. Consider even the post‑fall human body, pretty impressive. The sophistication of the design should tell you something about the Designer.

The human body has been reproduced in the billions, and it still looks amazingly good. Think about the skeletal system, the circulatory system, the muscles, digestive tract, the nervous system, etc.  We can only study these and try to describe their operations, but we have never been able to duplicate a single one of them, not even with all our “advanced” technology.

God has created an incredible network of systems, all operate in harmony; all are under the control of the brain; all are neatly packaged in an attractive 6X2X1′ being (size varies) that comes in male and female models.  Accidents happen, but accidents like that don’t happen.

God gives

God gives

God’s resources are infinite. He created everything and therefore owns it all. But He is also eternally generous. He gives it all away. He didn’t want to share us with the devil, but other than that, He has freely given us all things: “stuff” He has created, His love and power, gifts of all descriptions, and the list goes on. Most of all, He has given us His Spirit and His Son, that is, He has given us of Himself, a divine mystery that we can never understand but one that we can believe and receive. God gave, God gives, God will give.

What was God dreaming…?


God puts good dreams in our hearts

What was God dreaming for you when He formed you in your mother’s womb? It’s a great question, but unfortunately, we are born into a fallen world. So many wounds, traumas, and pressures distort your becoming your true self. God’s purposes in the cross are not just salvation of your soul but the redemption of the real you that He “dreamed about” in eternity past. He puts those good dreams in our hearts, just as He did with Joseph. They don’t always make sense to others in our world. Joseph’s brothers rejected them and him. But in time, he became ruler of Egypt, and they knelt before him, just as he had dreamed.

When I was a kid, I made a lot of weird noises, and I really liked to experiment with sounds. My mom thought that God had sent me to drive her crazy, but she eventually realized that God’s dream for me was that I would be a teacher of other languages and that I would travel to many countries and share the gospel in their languages. Have you discovered God’s good dream for you?

God is great. God is good.


His greatness no one can fathom!

“God is great. God is good.” I just read about a galactic structure 4 billion light years across. But God is greater than that. He inhabits infinity. God isn’t just “big.” He has power to create from nothing and to give infinite variation of shape and texture and color to what He creates. He breathes life and intelligence into parts of His creation. Absolute power corrupts us absolutely, but it does not corrupt God. This is all pretty awesome, but I see God’s true greatness in His mercy and goodness. If He were not absolutely good, we would have no hope. “He stoops down to regard the lowly,” like me. He gives the lowly favor and holds little lambs close to His heart. I am humbled by that heart.