
God is good, absolutely good. If He is not, then heaven can never be heavenly. Likewise, those who enter heaven must be absolutely good; any sin would make heaven look like…well…this life and this fallen world. The Bible says no one is righteous, no, not one person (Romans 3:10). All have sinned and fallen short (Romans 3:23). So to enter heaven, we must have our sin nature put to death, and we must be cleansed, made holy, good and righteous by a just but loving God. This is possible when we accept what Christ did for us on the cross. “He who knew no sin was made sin, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” II Cor. 5:21. That’s the Good News we proclaim.

How to Get a God Glimpse


Has a distorted view of himself and of God. Just struggling to be cool. Completely clueless about any plan God may have for his life.

Use these verses as a basis for a personal prayer:

“We ask God to give you a complete understanding of what He wants to do in your lives and make you wise with spiritual wisdom. Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and you will continually do good, kind things for others. All the while, you will learn to know God better and better.”Colossians 1:9-10 (NLT)

At 17, I had no understanding of what God might want to do in my life. I hated myself and naturally believed that God hated me. No faith, no revelation, no God glimpses.

Now, decades later, I have walked with God for 37 years. I have a far greater concept of what the Lord wants to do in my life. Seeing such evidences of His grace, I am overwhelmed by His goodness. To know Him, is to love Him.


Has experienced God and knows more about God’s plan for his life. Knows God is good.


God is great. God is good.


His greatness no one can fathom!

“God is great. God is good.” I just read about a galactic structure 4 billion light years across. But God is greater than that. He inhabits infinity. God isn’t just “big.” He has power to create from nothing and to give infinite variation of shape and texture and color to what He creates. He breathes life and intelligence into parts of His creation. Absolute power corrupts us absolutely, but it does not corrupt God. This is all pretty awesome, but I see God’s true greatness in His mercy and goodness. If He were not absolutely good, we would have no hope. “He stoops down to regard the lowly,” like me. He gives the lowly favor and holds little lambs close to His heart. I am humbled by that heart.

God is My BFF!


The other day I was feeling inadequate as a Christian, and I said to the Lord, “You should expect more from me.” His reply, “You should expect more from Me, your Best Friend, because I am.” God is so good. God is only good. God is always good. (It just takes us a while to see it, sometimes a long while.)

There is evil in the world, but it doesn’t come from God. The sad part is that so many people have only experienced evil, but they have never experienced the goodness of God, nor as His child have they ever watched Him work everything together for good. God is not evil and cannot be tempted by evil, and there is no darkness in Him.