Mud + the breath of God =


Not intelligently designed? Don’t make me LOL!

“Male and Female created He them.” Genesis 5:2

Man and woman were the crown and rulers of God’s creation.  Since no one knows exactly what God looks like, we do not really know what His human creations looked like. To be sure, they were glorious and powerful creatures, created in His image. Consider even the post‑fall human body, pretty impressive. The sophistication of the design should tell you something about the Designer.

The human body has been reproduced in the billions, and it still looks amazingly good. Think about the skeletal system, the circulatory system, the muscles, digestive tract, the nervous system, etc.  We can only study these and try to describe their operations, but we have never been able to duplicate a single one of them, not even with all our “advanced” technology.

God has created an incredible network of systems, all operate in harmony; all are under the control of the brain; all are neatly packaged in an attractive 6X2X1′ being (size varies) that comes in male and female models.  Accidents happen, but accidents like that don’t happen.

How awesome is God?

Galaxy spiral

The Spiral Galaxy

Here’s a link to a study of the stars by Harvard astrophysicist Charlie Conroy.

According to Dr. Conroy, there are an estimated 300 sextillion stars, twice more than previously thought. However many there are, God created them all  from nothing “by the breath of His mouth” (Psalm 33:6), and He knows them all by name (Psalm 147:4). Prof. Conroy notes that this mind-boggling estimate (Don’t think they actually counted them all) is the same as “the number of all cells in every human being alive.” He adds that “it’s kind of a funny coincidence.”

But that’s not how God created all of us. He began with an original pair (even science sometimes refers to the first humans as “Adam and Eve”). He created them with the power to reproduce, and we’re all descended from the first couple because He programmed them to reproduce their “seed” and did the same for their descendants and their descendants, etc. We have the ability to pass along coded genetic information that in 9 months or so produces a fully formed human being with billions of cells, all cooperating in the formation of a unique person.

g body-system

Don’t forget the molecules and cells and other systems, a sublime machine of which I am an occupant.

The human body is awe-inspiring, with molecular machines busily assembling and organizing genetic codes, cellular machines and programs that are running non-stop, all of which make up organs and systems. My biological programs keep me running, many of which are operating 24-7, my heart, my brain, and other incomprehensible organs. (We may think we’re pretty smart, but we really don’t understand how the brain works or why it should.)

Of course, sin entered the world and nullified the miracle of creation by introducing “entropy,” a scientific term that refers to an inevitable breakdown and deterioration of all molecular and biological programs and systems (from order to disorder). The result? The eventual death of everything now living. Not even science disputes that death is universal.

Solution? The Creator took on human flesh and experienced death and by the power of the Eternal Spirit overcame death, never to die again. This means that our bodies lack the power to renew their molecular structure and thus live forever. We will die and decay, but how much more our souls (which no one can see under a microscope)?

Yet when we are born of that eternal Spirit, we are given the same power that raised Christ Jesus from the dead. His Spirit resides in us and makes us heirs to eternal life, allowed to enter the Celestial City and eat of the “Tree of Life,” which Adam and Eve were denied. We will drink from the River of eternal renewal. For this reason, death has no power over us.

I ask again, how awesome is God?