Designer of Babies


Mom does the really hard work, the doc assists, and the Designer oversees it all

“Yet Thou art He who didst bring me forth from the womb.” Psalm 22:9

In nine months a miniature, seed-like, fertilized egg develops from coded genetic information contributed by mom and dad (who know nothing about genetics).

The living tissue blends and replicates at a blinding speed. Everything is precisely timed and carefully programmed. Everything is fearfully and wonderfully made. Read up on fetal development or watch a video. It’s a mind-boggling series of pre-programmed biological events, which science can mostly describe but does not really understand.

And conception-pregnancy-birth has happened in a perpetual cycle producing billions of human beings since the first parents, everyone’s grandparents, Adam and Eve. And the bio-chemical process cannot account for the greater mystery of the soul, the spirit that inhabits all of us from conception to death and distinguishes us from other living creatures.

Human birth is only a sample of the wonders and everyday miracles we take for granted. A very different worldview sees babies as the product of millions of years of evolution, descended from chimps or something other than a loving God, the Intelligent Designer. That’s quite a different view. When believers see babies, they receive them new life, as the gift of God. I like to focus on God the Designer because in the birth process I get a glimpse of the Divine Mind that planned it all.

Michelle and baby

The miraculous result

Mud + the breath of God =


Not intelligently designed? Don’t make me LOL!

“Male and Female created He them.” Genesis 5:2

Man and woman were the crown and rulers of God’s creation.  Since no one knows exactly what God looks like, we do not really know what His human creations looked like. To be sure, they were glorious and powerful creatures, created in His image. Consider even the post‑fall human body, pretty impressive. The sophistication of the design should tell you something about the Designer.

The human body has been reproduced in the billions, and it still looks amazingly good. Think about the skeletal system, the circulatory system, the muscles, digestive tract, the nervous system, etc.  We can only study these and try to describe their operations, but we have never been able to duplicate a single one of them, not even with all our “advanced” technology.

God has created an incredible network of systems, all operate in harmony; all are under the control of the brain; all are neatly packaged in an attractive 6X2X1′ being (size varies) that comes in male and female models.  Accidents happen, but accidents like that don’t happen.