Jehovah Shammah: The Lord is present.


Wake up, O sleeper. He will give you light.

That moment when you “wake up” and realize that God has just answered a prayer or worked something out or blessed you in some specific way, and you had been clueless, maybe even annoyed that He had not done anything for you in recent memory. I had such a moment today. Jacob had such a moment: “Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, ‘Surely the LORD is in this place, and I did not know it.'” Genesis 28:6

Closer Than You Think


So far away, yet so near.

“And you will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart.” Jer. 29:13

God is definitely invisible to our physical eyes. No one has even seen Him (I John 4:12), but is He playing “Hide and Seek?”

If God did not want to be found, we would never find Him. But He does want to be found. He is a “findable” God. In Jesus, we might even say that He is the “approachable God.” The avenue to find Him is through the heart’s response to the cross. We begin a search for Him from the heart, and we find His heart, and welcome Him into our hearts, all made possible by what Jesus did for us on Calvary.

Many “search for God.” They take such elaborate steps. Some have crossed oceans and walked across continents in search of the truth. Don’t you feel silly when you have spent all day looking for something that was right in front of you?

Just after my first “God-glimpse” on the day of my conversion, I realized that He had always been there, pursuing me, waiting for my response, but I was too caught up in myself to notice. I came to know Jehovah Shammah. “The God who is present.”


Reach out to God, and He will reach out to you.