
Watching over little lambs


By David, Jesse’s son

Just as I am a shepherd who watches over his sheep,
so also the LORD is my Shepherd
who cares for my every need.

For instance, when I am weary,
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
or when I feel stressed,
He leads me beside slow, soothing streams.
My time with Him renews me completely.
Like a sheep, I tend to wander off,
but He always steers me in the right way,
so that I may honor His Great Name.

Because the Lord is my Shepherd
I am never afraid.  Even if I were walking
through a dark valley in danger of imminent death,
I would fear no evil,
because You are with me.
It comforts me to know that,
like a shepherd armed with rod and staff,
You are fully able to protect me from any harm.

You prepare a feast for me, blessing me so openly
that my enemies look on with envy.
You pour the oil of gladness on my head,
welcoming me as a friend to your banquet.
The cup you offer me never runs dry.
In fact, it continuously overflows!

All this convinces me
that I will enjoy good things
every day of my life,
that I will always be secure in His love,
and that when this life is over
I will go to live in the house of the Lord


–My translation, from my book, “A Harvest of Miracles.” Houston: Halcyon Press, 2009.

Seeking Shepherd, Lamb of God


The dumb, careless sheep who got himself in trouble is you. Jesus is the Shepherd who came to rescue you. This painting illustrates His love for you and His mission on the earth. He is the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for His sheep. To do that, He became the “Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” The Shepherd became the Lamb. A paradox and a mystery worthy of meditation.